XXVI Convenção da Belgische Killifish Vereniging (BKV) 2010
05-06-2010 09:30
For this 26th International Congress the program is as follows :
Saturday 5th June 2010
09.30 h judgement of the fishes
13.00 to 19.00 h exhibition
Sunday 6th June 2010
09.00 to 10.30 h exhibition
11.00 h sharp remittance of the awards and sale of fishes
For the contest the fishes will be classified in 9 groups :
1. Aphyosemion australe, Aphyosemion bivitatum, Aphyosemion bualanum, Diapteron
2. Small Aphyosemions
3. Fundulopanchax
4. Archiaphyosemion, Callopanchax en Scriptaphyosemion (ex-Roloffia)
5. Nothobranchius
6. Rivulus
7. European, North- and South-American species
8. Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax
9. Breeding group : 3 pairs or 2 trios.
For each group 3 awards will be given.
Only self-raised fishes will be allowed for judgement.
Inscriptions can be made with:
Marcel Wuyts
Massenhovensesteenweg 2a
B 2520 Broechem-Ranst
Tel. 00 32 3 485 52 40
e-mail : wuyts.faunaflora@base.be
by e-mail to : Herman Meeus : herman.meeus1@telenet.be
Registration is free of charges, but the fishes will not be returned.
Only registered fishes will participate to the judgement. This will take place on Saturday 5th June from 09.30 h on. Fishes that arrive after 09.00 h will not be judged anymore.
Fishes have to arrive on Friday 4th June from 19.00 till 22.00 h and on Saturday 5th June from 08.00 till 09.00 h.
Fishes send by rail or by air should arrive on Thursday 3th June, at the latest. Please mention it concerns fish that do not concern the Washington convention and it is a gift and no commercial shipment.
Persons attending the congress may bring along their fishes on Friday 4th June from 19.00 till 22.00 h or on Saturday 5th June from 08.00 till 09.00 h.
Shipping addresses
by rail: Centraal Station (Central Station) Antwerpen
Kantoorliggend (Bureau restant)
B.K.V. - Marcel Wuyts
Massenhovensesteenweg 2a
B 2520 Broechem-Ranst/Belgium
Please mention : tel. 03/485.52.40
by air: parcel via Air Mail
B.K.V. - Marcel Wuyts
Massenhovensesteenweg 2a
B 2520 Broechem-Ranst/Belgium
Please mention : tel 03/485.52.40
at the complex: Gildenhuis, Pertendonckstraat 14
B 2520 Broechem-Ranst, Belgium
Friday 04/06 from 19.00 till 22.00 h
Saturday 05/06 from 08.00 till 09.00 h.
The possibilities for staying in the neighbourhood of the congress are as follows :
* Hotel Bristol International (tel. 00 32 3 449 80 49)
Edegemsestraat 1
B-2510 Mortsel
Prices : single-room with breakfast : EUR 53,00
double-room with breakfast : EUR 60,00
* Hotel Campanile (tel. 00 32 3 236 43 55)
Potvlietlaan 2
B-2600 Antwerpen
Prices : single-room or double-room : EUR 89,00
breakfast : EUR 10,95
* Youth Hostel « Gagelhof » (tel. 00 32 3 385 16 42)
Gagelhoflaan 18
B-2980 Zoersel
Prices : room 2, 4, 6, 8 persons with sheets and breakfast : from EUR 27,00/person
ATTENTION : not many places available, reservation to be made urgently !
For all further information we give the addresses and phonenumbers of the chairman and the secretary. They will be most pleased to help You with all Your inquiries :
Marcel Wuyts Herman Meeus
Massenhovensestwg 2a De Reet 6
B 2520 Broechem-Ranst B 2160 Wommelgem
Belgium Belgium
tel.00 32 3 485 52 40 Tel.00 32 3 353 20 13
e-mail : wuyts.faunaflora@base.be e-mail: herman.meeus1@telenet.be